The file types below the separator in this menu are file types you have assigned to files in the past.
Select with the command key down to delete a type from the menu.
Creation Date Menu
Use this menu to set the creation date.
Modified Date Menu
Use this menu to set the last modified date.
Creator Menu
The creator signatures below the separator in this menu are signatures you have assigned to files in the past.
Select with the command key down to delete a signature from the menu.
To change this version information (only for documents), double-click here. This information is not lost when the desktop is rebuilt.
To edit this date, use the menu at right or double-click here.
Use this button to discard changes you’ve made. Not available because you haven’t changed anything.
To discard the changes you’ve made, click this button.
Use this button to apply changes to unprocessed items. Not available because you haven't changed anything, or there are no unprocessed items.
Applies changes to all unprocessed items. Information that has not been changed will not be changed in unprocessed items.
Use this area to type your own notes about the this item. Note that these comments are lost if the desktop file is rebuilt.
Use this button to change the file type and/or creator signature of files. Not available because this item is not a file.
To change the file type and/or creator signature of this file to that of another file on your disk, click this button.
This is my best guess for the icon the Finder will use for this item in icon view, given the current settings. To copy this icon to the clipboard, select it and type Command-C. To make an icon from the clipboard, select this icon and type Command-V.
Label Menu
Use this menu to assign labels to items on your desktop and in Finder windows. The labels you assign can be used to organize related files.
This is the creator signature of this document. Finder uses this to know what application should open this file when you open it from the Finder. To have the Finder use a different application, type the new application’s creator signature in this box.
This is the file type of this document. Applications use this to determine the format of the information contained in the document. To change a document’s type, enter the new type in here.
If you don’t know what this is for, don’t fiddle with it.
When this box is checked, this item cannot be seen in the Finder. To make it visible, click this box.
To make this item invisible (can’t be seen in the finder), click this box.
Be aware that you will have to access it using the Get Info command in the File menu when you want it to be visible again.
When this box is checked, the document is a stationery pad. When you open a stationary pad, you create a copy of the document.
Makes a document into a stationery pad. Not available because only documents can be stationery pads.
To make this document into a stationery pad, click this box. When you open a stationery pad, you create a copy of the document. The original document remains unchanged.
When this box is selected, the Finder will use a custom icon (if one exists). To tell the Finder to use the normal icon for this item, click this box. Any custom icons will then be deleted if you subsequently click the Save button.
To tell the Finder to use a custom icon for this item, click this box. If there is no custom icon available, the Finder will use the appropriate generic icon.
When this checkbox is selected, the name of this item cannot be changed. To allow editing of the name, click this box.
To prevent the name of this item from being changed in the Finder, click this box. Especially useful for aliases you create without icons that you wish to double-click.
When this chckbox is selected, the current itle is marked as an alias.
Tells the Finder that a file is an alias. Not available because an alias must be a file.
To tell the Finder that this file is an alias, click this box. If this file isn’t really an alias, the Finder will clear this flag the next time you try to use it.
This item’s Finder flags have been recorded by the Finder. To have it look at them again, click this box.
To set this item's inited flag, click this box. (Even if you don't, the finder will set it eventually.) When in doubt, don’t click this box.
When this box is checked, this file is locked (it cannot be changed, renamed, or thrown away). To unlock this file, click this box.
Use this box to lock a file. Not available because this item is not a file.
To lock this file, click this box. A locked file cannot be changed, renamed, or thrown away.
This is the name of the item whose information is shown. To change the name, type a new one in this box.
This is the amount of memory that the Finder will try to set aside for use by this application program. To change this amount, type a new number in this box.
To do nothing to this item, click this button.
In addition, if you wish to skip any other items remaining to be processed, hold down the Option key and click this button.
Use this button to save changes. Not available because nothing has been changed.
To save the changes you've made, click this button.